The Benefits of Window Tinting in South Austin, TX

Call Corridor and experience the benefits of window tinting

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Out here in Texas it is not uncommon for your air conditioning bills to skyrocket during the Summer months. With temperatures over 100 not uncommon, you AC system has to work extra hard to keep your home comfortable, which can make your bills skyrocket. You shouldn’t have to break the bank to keep your home cool, but many people just don’t see any other way. Fortunately, it there is a way to keep your home cool while simultaneously reducing the amount of time your AC has to run: window tint.

You have probably hear about tint before, but you might not be entirely sure about what the benefits of window tinting in South Austin, TX are. Window tint is a thin, dark film that is applied over your windows. This film is designed to block incoming heat, as well as UV rays. Since less heat enters your home or business through your windows with tint, the interior will stay cool longer, which means your air conditioning will not need to run as much. This means your energy bills will be lower, and by a good amount too. One of the amazing benefits of window tinting in South Austin, TX is that it can lower your cooling expenses by as much as 50%!

It was mentioned earlier that tint also blocks UV rays. This is yet another one of the amazing benefits of window tinting in South Austin, TX. UV rays are known to cause skin cancer. Installing tint protects you from them while you are near your windows. UV rays can also cause your furniture and other belongings to fade and lose their color over time. Window tint greatly reduces the rate at which this happens.

There are also many amazing benefits of window tinting in South Austin, TX for your vehicle as well. Tint reduces glare, which helps prevent eye strain and makes it easier to watch the road. It also gives you some extra privacy in your vehicle as well.

If you are interested in experiencing the benefits of window tinting in South Austin, TX for yourself, give Corridor a call! We are your local experts when it comes to window tint. We pride ourselves in speedy, quality, and affordable installations. We will gladly come out to your home or business to install window tint. Give us a call today for a free quote!

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